So, here we go!
If you don’t know, who is Eric The Swift, I’ll tell you. He is one of the mighty Lost Vikings, and he appeared to be lost once again. In brave new world.
Hero birthday is June 4 (2010), near 18:20. And now his level is 2. Well, everithing futher is even curiouser! is the precursor of hero in Godville the First.
And – the first death. Level 4. Pity.23:53 Felt the surge of power from the above and delivered brutal strike to the Edible Jelly.
June 8
15:46 Felt the surge of power from the above and delivered brutal strike to the Poisonous Street Mage.
Kamikaze!15:46 Shamefully died by the hand of Poisonous Street Mage.
June 13
Here we are, first vikings of Godville! Yarrrr!18:46 Found someone who allowed me to join “The Lost Vikings”. Hi, fellows!
June 24
Steal! Kill!00:48 Stole viking’s helmet while the merchant was talking to another client. Left 1096 gold coins as a compensation.
June 25 Eric got first some tricky skill – somersault through the navel!
July 8 The second skill is powerful sneeze. I hope, it isn’t some kind of illness.
August 1st Battle chess. Such a misterious skill that even mistery isn’t such a misterious. Well, how to battle with chess? Throw them? Maybe, maybe.
August 17th New skill is thumbs beating. Yes, it’s elder-misterious-battle-skill-of-the-masters-of-the-east et cetera.
August 20th
Today is a good day do die, isn’t it?22:59 Feral Hero was so impressed with my fighting skills, that he rewarded me with a golden brick. Posthumously.
September 17th Wow! It’s radiokinesis! Actually, it’s telekinesis without all these visual special effects.
October 3rd
Two in one, what a luck!13:14 Suddenly felt like I had to find a use for the deus ex machina. Shook it as hard as I could and out came two new, shiny golden bricks!
October 21st Eric got new skill, now transporting one. It’s called electro-broom. So, now he can fly like witches? And I’ll help with electricity, then. Also: near 17:00 – pet, finally! Trojan horse Scratchy!
October 25th
Double win!14:14 Suddenly felt like I had to find a use for the box with a question mark. Shook it as hard as I could and out came two new, shiny golden bricks!
Scratchy now is Rorty. Don’t know, why – he’s made of wood, I think? Anyway, hero knows it better.
October 30th
Three pairs! I won this bet?19:12 Suddenly felt like I had to find a use for the deus ex machina. Shook it as hard as I could and out came two new, shiny golden bricks!
November 2nd
Scratchy the Fearsome. Strange change…