

Sarai Verity 679

level 134
trader level 25

Dream on! 丯

Age 5 years 6 months
Personality neutral
Guild Blue Feather
Monsters Killed about 380 thousand
Death Count 41
Wins / Losses 592 / 573
Temple Completed at 12/23/2019
Ark Completed at 10/06/2020 (471.8%)
Pairs Gathered at 01/26/2022
Book Written at 01/13/2024
Souls Gathered 44.12%
Shop “The Dreamery”
Pet Ticking crocodile Hypnos 44th level
Boss Warchef with 366% of power


Weapon curmudgeon bludgeon +147
Shield glitchy hitbox +144
Head moustache handlebars +144
Body blackhawk gown +143
Arms oktoberfists +143
Legs cardinal shins +145
Talisman enragement ring +146


  • teeth gnashing level 148
  • deafening snore level 145
  • powerful sneeze level 142
  • cry of horror level 142
  • inept singing level 138
  • full throttle level 137
  • lion belch level 136
  • sticky fingers level 134
  • brainstorm level 133
  • elbow bite level 130


  • ⓷ Get featured in the newspaper as a famous hero
  • ⓶ Visit the trader with two identical coupons
  • ⓶ Defeat two two-named beasties in a single sail
  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Fill out the newspaper bingo completely
  • ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Dig up and defeat three bosses
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold
  • ⓵ Befriend Godville Administrator

Show all 12




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Careerist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Hunter
  • Honored Invincible
  • Honored Miner
  • Honored Raider
  • Honored Seadog
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Champion, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 1st rank
  • Moneybag, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Scribbler, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Dueler, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Hotshot, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Scientist, 2nd rank
  • Soulcatcher, 2nd rank
  • Coach, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

About Dungeons

Godwiki article on dungeons and its companion about dungeon driving
Feather Mail’s dungeon guide
Ursina’s very basic dungeon guide for the true beginner

Useful Links
Vicksdayquil’s ark building guide
eGUI+ browser extension

Dungeons summarised in three images
1. Autopilot movements – Party movements in absence of divine interference.
2. Treasure heatmap – Frequency of treasure locations, relative to the entrance.
3. Treasure hints – Area covered by treasure hints, relative to the room in which the hint appears.

Dungeon quirks
– Anti-influence: godpower is not deducted when trying to influence in a dungeon.
– Clarity: special rooms directly adjacent (incl. diagonal) to the room that the heroes are in are marked with a !; secret treasuries are not.
– Grace: stepping on a boss does not generate godpower, entering the treasure room does. Godpower is added after godpower from voices (and presumably also influences) is subtracted.
– Jumping: jumping steps do not follow autopilot movements. Heroes can jump backwards even outside of clockwise turns and dead ends.
– Rejuvenation: stepping on a boss does not generate hp, entering the treasure room does.
– Savings: gold is deposited upon exit from treasury even if the hero(ine) is unconscious.
– Toxicity: stepping on a boss does not deduct hp, nor does entering the treasure room.
– Woodness: treasuries contain less gold than (most) other types of dungeons (4-7k instead of the normal 8k+).

– Nooks are often in the same quadrant as the treasure, but not always.

– Treasuries (both normal and secret) are surrounded by at least two walls.
– Normal treasuries ordinarily give about 8k to 9.5k gold and 3 to 4 bold artifacts per person.1
– Secret treasuries ordinarily give about 11k to 12.5k gold and 3 to 5 bold artifacts per person.1
– Secret treasuries do not need keys to be opened.
– Secret treasuries are not marked with a ! in dungeons of Clarity, nor by POI-revealing nooks.

1 Ordinary = no nooks, no side quests, no special dungeon types that affect the amount of gold in the treasury, no unconscious heroes.

– Through entrance: no gold/artifacts lost.
– Through (secret) treasury: no gold/artifacts lost, even if unconscious.
– After 100 steps (50 in Hurry): no gold/artifacts lost, even if unconscious.
– Lack of healthy heroes: 50% of gold and artifacts lost (except last one standing).
– Defeated by boss: 30% gold lost (party members who were KO’d before entering the boss battle do not lose gold), then another 50% of the remaining gold and artifacts lost.

Traps & Damage
– Traps dealing group damage deal half the damage after the first encounter.
– Damage from slipping (“X slips, hits {his|her} head on the wall and finds a hidden stash. It’s hard to complain when you find Y gold coins.”) falls in the range of about 91-133 hp. Exact amount appears to be random and does not scale up with max hp, but seems to scale with the number of steps taken in the dungeon.
– Wormholes are considered traps and can be (temporarily) disabled by dungeon pets.
– Heroes might reverse after sticky trap.

– Influences reach heroes before damage (i.e., boss hits, traps) does. This appears to hold also for bosses, so when encountering a Leeching boss, encourage on the very first turn to prevent the boss from healing.
– Miracles do not affect bosses’ hp.

Sneaky Bosses
Estimated probabilities based on my own (very small number of) observations. Take with a very large grain of salt.
Probability of fleeing on…
– …the boss’ 3rd turn (after warning message): ~18.4%
– …the heroes’ 4th turn (after warning message): ~53.3%

Explosive Bosses
Estimated probabilities based on my own (very small number of) observations. Take with a very large grain of salt.
Probability of exploding on…
– …the heroes’ 3rd turn (after warning message): ~54.6%
– …the heroes’ 4th turn (after warning message): ~91.7%

Boss part strength is determined by number of abilities, not boss name. (Relevant for lab bosses in forged dungeons.)
Avoidable bosses side quest does not apply to basement.

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About Sailing

Feather Mail’s sailing guide

– Crates can sell for more than booty.
– Arks can exit through the port by themselves, even before step 20.
– Booty islands and two-named beasties can be in the same section of the sea.
– A (two-named) beastie can be completely surrounded by reefs.
- Repeated visits to islands with a question mark can yield different rewards.

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Other Notes

– Abstinence aura aka bane of my GV existence → skip waste/save phase.
– Aura-giving artifacts (incl. mushrooms) replace existing auras.
– Aura-giving artifacts (incl. mushrooms) can be opened with auras of curiosity.
– Crossword auras extend existing auras.
– Max aura duration is 8 hours. Crosswords cannot be used to extend this duration further (will be cut off at 07:59).
– Death removes auras.

Cycles (in town)
– Diary entry about returning to town → short cycle; no diary entry (or full backpack diary entry) → full cycle.
– Backpack < 1/3 full → short cycle; backpack >= 1/2 full → full cycle; else → random.
– Short cycle: heal only.
– Full cycle: heal → trade → waste/save → sleep (optional) → pray.
– Post-arena/sail cycle: heal → trade → pray.
– Post-teleportation cycle: full cycle. If teleportation interrupts selling: heal → pray.
– Post-quest (no arena/sail) cycle: trade → heal (unless hp > 30%) or waste/save → sleep → pray.
– Post-quest (with arena/sail) cycle: heal → sleep → pray.
– Post-quest cycle outside GV: heal → sleep → pray → exit through GV.
– Post-cancellation cycle: trade → heal/waste/save → sleep → pray.
– Post-cancellation cycle with sail: heal → trade → pray.

– Skills are swapped while selling loot, not after (like skill upgrades), or while healing.
A roving mystic convinced me that enlightenment could be attained by exchanging wealth for knowledge. I happily handed over X coins to increase the level of my “Y” skill, but the enlightenment has yet to kick in. — Despite how this looks, the skill is leveled up and the gold is not wasted.

– Arena: 15 min queue + 60 min timeout cooldown
– Dungeon: 8 min queue + 60 min timeout cooldown
– Sail: 15 min queue + 40 min timeout cooldown
– Temple bonus: 55 min

– Boss-summoning artifacts can be used while selling loot to roadside traders. Upon return, the hero will continue selling (if necessary, the hero will enter the nearest town first to heal only).
– Coupons will not be pickpocketed by bosses.
– Boss parts can be taken by loaded monsters.
– Boss shreds (e.g., Shred of the Obscentinel) can be used as bait.
– Fines are paid and wanted monster rewards are paid out before gold is sacrificed in Godville.
– If town moved while the hero(ine) is it, they will exit at its new location.
– Godvoices can be successful even while in queue/limbo.
– It is not possible to craft an item using two activatables.
– Teleportation artifacts can “teleport” the hero(ine) to the same town they were already in.
– Dying from exploding underground boss = no loot/gold gained or lost.
– Gp from cap is added to gp bar after gp from influence is subtracted.
– POI are not lost when opening shop.
– No spending signs do not work when interrupted by adventure. Uncertain if that’s also the case with the other signs.
– Activating invites interrupts sleep cycles.

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Personal Records
– Least gold from treasury: 778
– Most gold from treasury: 42305 (Robbery), 23415 (non-Robbery)
– Least artifacts from treasury: 3
– Most artifacts from treasury: 21 (close second: 20)
– Shortest successful dungeon
– Longest successful dungeon: 100 steps
– Most steps until first directional hint: 31

– Fastest treasure: step 2
– Least gold from selling bold sail artifact: The trader asked me if I wanted to see a magic trick. He then clapped his bony hands together, and there were 72 coins where an exotic seashell once was. Nifty!
– Most gold from selling crate: The merchant informed me that my donation box looked so good in bold that he’d pay me 20676 coins for it.
– Least gold from selling booty: Told the trader that I wouldn’t part with the overseas thingamajig at any price on principle. Made 2504 gold coins profit from selling both my principles and the overseas thingamajig.
– Most gold from selling booty: The trader took one look at my outlandish data bank and paid me 147363 coins for it, so that he could look at it a second, third and fourth time at his convenience.
– Most booty from sail: manimal, fenimal, and treasure
Two two-named beasties in one sail

First datamine with 2 bosscoins

– Least gold wasted: Spent some time down at the docks, trailing my toes in the water and dreaming of the day I set sail on my ark again. Then spent 16 gold coins on champagne practicing the re-christening.
– Most gold wasted: Spent 84770 coins getting X drunk enough to tell me about an interesting mark on his map.
– Least gold saved: Added 1 gold coin to my nest egg. I wonder when it will hatch…
– Most gold saved: Deposited 52508 gold coins in my bank account for the next time sobriety looms.
– Cheapest prayer: Great One, I prayed and spent 2 gold coins on you… Why don’t you pray and spend money on me?
– Most expensive prayer: If I were a betting woman, I’d put all my money on you, Exalted One. Seeing that I’m not, I’ll instead put down 30707 coins to further expand your kingdom.
– Most gold from selling (non-sail) activatable item: I couldn’t be bothered to haggle anymore, so I threw my hazardous minerals map over the trader’s shoulder and grabbed a bag of 4176 coins while he was looking for it.
– Highest price from selling golden brick: The merchant squealed, “Ooh, a genuine golden brick! Gimmegimmegimme!” Accepted 3844 gold coins to keep quiet about the undignified spectacle.

– Highest bingo score: 83
– Most bricks from activatable item: 8
– Fastest quest completion: 3 hrs 42 min
– Fasted side job completion: 3 min
– Longest aura duration: 7 hrs 59 min

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Noteworthy Events
2019/07/19 – Day 0

2019/08/18 – Day 30 – First pet
I looked into the kind eyes of the vanquished monster and suddenly decided — Sun Dog, you’ll be my pet! And I’ll call you Sooba. Bandaged his wounds, gave him a treat and fastened the leash.

2019/10/15 – Day 88 – Loss of first pet (Lvl 14)
I didn’t manage to heal up my pet’s wound in time. Well, Sooba, your regenerating abilities will help you to recover, but I think level-ups and pantheons are not for you anymore. On the other hand, who needs those silly things anyway?

2019/10/16 – Day 89 – First pet released
Took Sooba to a local orphanage to try to cheer up the children. It worked so well that the kids begged him to stay. He gave me a wistful glance and a sad smile before going inside. Farewell, Sooba, I hope you give those kids as many fond memories as you have given me.

2019/10/19 – Day 92 – Second pet
After such a glorious battle with the Ballpoint Penguin I could not bring myself to deliver the finishing blow. Instead, he will be my new companion. Come along, Pumba, let’s go questing!

2019/12/23 – Day 157 – Temple complete
My face must be glowing like this golden temple I just now finished for you, Angry One. I have to say, it does look great!

2020/02/12 – Day 208 – First (and to date, only) successful ‘die’ command
Obeying the strange voice from the skies, my heart suddenly stopped…

2020/05/22 – Day 308 – Quest 500: Turn a sun dial up to the max (epic)

2020/05/25 – Day 311 – 50% ark completion

2020/07/04 – Day 351 – Newspaper mention
At this rate, Dream Summoner will soon have enough ingenious pieces to make an entire ingenious.

2020/07/19 – Day 366 – 1st Anniversary
Wood for Ark – 70.5%
Savings - 3M, 763k (12.5%)

2020/07/21 – Day 368 – Invincible, 1st rank

2020/07/31 – Day 378 – 75% ark completion

2020/08/08 – Day 386 – Animalist, 1st rank
9 months, 24 days.

2020/08/29 – Day 407 – 5M in savings

2020/09/30 – Day 439 – Dueler, 2nd rank

2020/10/06 – Day 445 – Ark complete
A log! A thousandth log! I’m even ready for a flood now. Not that I’m asking for it, Great One.
Level – 71
Savings – 6M, 53k (20.2%)

2020/10/13 – Day 452 – Dungeoning pet
I looked into the kind eyes of the vanquished monster and suddenly decided — Gummy Wyrm, you’ll be my pet! And I’ll call you Stitch. Bandaged his wounds, gave him a treat and fastened the leash.

2021/01/21 – Day 551 – ER access

2021/02/12 – Day 574 – Newspaper mention & Moneybag, 2nd rank
Dream Summoner has been working so hard enhancing ideas that she deserves an entry to be dedicated to her.

2021/03/06 – Day 595 – Honoured Raider & Honoured Hunter

2021/03/11 – Day 600 – Newspaper mention
Sarai Verity — 83rd-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Certified scatterbrain 丯”, stands at the 52nd position in the pantheon of duelers under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Dream Summoner. Her dream is to master the “lion belch” skill and then offer lessons in exchange for gold bricks.

2021/04/04 – Day 624 – Seadog, 1st rank

2021/05/04 – Day 654 – Quest #1000: Go west until it becomes east (epic)

2021/05/08 – Day 658 – First in bingo

2020/06/05 – Day 686 – Sailing pet
After such a glorious battle with the Ticking Crocodile I could not bring myself to deliver the finishing blow. Instead, he will be my new companion. Come along, Scrat, let’s go questing!

2021/07/19 – Day 731 – 2nd Anniversary
Wood for Ark – 185.3%
Savings - 15M, 469k (51.6%)
Pair – 579♂️ 578 ♀️

2021/09/13 – Day 786 – 2000 logs for the ark

2021/12/31 – Day 895 – Level 100

2022/01/26 – Day 921 – Pairs complete
Mighty One, I just re-counted the pairs and I think the ark now has a thousand of them. We’re not going to cram another thousand in there, are we?
Level – 100
Savings – 22M, 338k (74.5%)

2022/02/02 – Day 928 – 500 hp

2022/03/11 – Day 965
It’s alive… It’s alive, it’s moving, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, IT’S ALIVE!

2022/03/12 – Day 966 – Honored Animalist

2022/03/18 – Day 972 – 3ab pet
After such a glorious battle with the Atomic Kitten I could not bring myself to deliver the finishing blow. Instead, he will be my new companion. Come along, Pumba, let’s go questing!

2022/04/14 – Day 999
Sarai Verity — 103rd-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Dream on! 丯”, stands at the 196th position in the pantheon of Gratitude under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Dream Summoner. Distinctive features: a reckless disregard for danger, and an incredibly high pain threshold caused by repeated exposure to blunt objects.

2022/05/24 – Day 1039 – Honoured Seadog

Sarai Verity — 104th-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Dream on! 丯”, stands at the 61st position in the pantheon of Storytellers under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Dream Summoner. Distinctive features: a reckless disregard for danger, and an incredibly high pain threshold caused by repeated exposure to blunt objects.

2022-07-19 – Day 1095 – 3rd Anniversary
Level – 106
Words in Book – 19.1%
Wood for Ark – 280.3%
Savings - 29M, 145k (97.2%)

2022-08-04 – Day 1111
Oh my goddess, can’t believe that I saved all this money! Finally I can have my very own shop!
Level – 106
Words in Book – 11.3%
Wood for Ark – 284.8%

2022-10-02 – Day 1170
Sarai Verity — 108th-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Dream on! 丯”, stands at the 36th position in the pantheon of Storytellers under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Dream Summoner. The heroine has no distinctive features to date; however, she promises to get some before her next appearance.

2022-10-07 – Day 1175 – 3000 logs for the ark

2022-11-08 – Day 1208 – Miner, 1st rank

2022-12-01 – Day 1231 – Freelancer, 1st rank

2023-04-10 – Day 1360
Sarai Verity — 115th-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Dream on! 丯”, stands at the 96th position in the pantheon of Storytellers under the vigilant supervision of the goddess Dream Summoner. She is deeply gratified by her place in the pantheon and is not planning to give it up any time soon.

2024-01-24 – Day 1649 – 4000 logs for ark

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Interesting diary entries & coincidences

The Tribbleshooter slowly disappeared in a swarm of hungry tribbles.


The trader was impressed by my “Blue Feather” guild membership card. Received a random innocent bystander as a free gift.


Found a large trout. Сouldn’t decide whether to turn it into a good meal or a great weapon.

. . .
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14:56 This Tribblemaker’s monstering days are over, but my days of owning a tribble have just begun.

Sold excess healing potions to free up more spaces for my heroic trophies.

I was on the verge of certain death, but my lucky talisman saved me! It’s not bold anymore, but I feel so much healthier now.

23:52 Sticking to the plan, the heroes jaunt north. A talking statue of a customs officer in the center of the room didn’t allow the adventurers to pass until they chipped in and gave it their Godville particle, tribble, cubist cigar, argyle sock puppet and viral meme vaccine. Curious adventurers may go north and south.


08:20 After some noise and squabble all of the tribbles now look angry and very hungry.

Tribbles + Hungry tribble = Hungry tribbles



https://gvg.erinome.net/duels/log/0h15d7 Three deaths on the same tile


https://gvg.erinome.net/duels/log/purj8army Mutating away from explosive prevents the explosion.