Known As: LunarEklipse
Also Known As: LunarEcklipse, Lunar, LE, or ‘That guy who plays Godville’.
Hero Name: Sir Sumgai Heromann
Joined Godville on: Nov. 19, 2014
Completed Temple: December 11, 2015
Obtained Animalist Medal: May 7, 2016
Former Holder of 2 World Records in Godville:
•Most Golden Bricks Made From An Activateable Artifact: 10
•Most Golden Bricks in Inventory at One Time: 11
Guild History:
Rito PLS (Nov. 27, 2014 – Jan. 5, 2015)
Sweet Dreams
(Jan. 5, 2015 – Current)
Leadership History:
Sweet Dreams guild leader: Jan. 8, 2016 – Sept. 19, 2016
Pet History
Rex – Ballpoint Penguin – Lost at Level 11
Spot – Talking Donkey – Lost at Level 10
Pumba – Rocky Raccoon – Lost at Level 18
Timon – Solar Bear – Lost at Level 30 (Got my Animalist Medal)
Toto – Double Dragon – Lost at Level 33
Godville Times Appearances:
Sept. 11, 2015 (Edition #1704, day 1950 g.e.):
LunarEklipse feels compelled to improve ideas in the ER; we just won’t let him stop.
Wayback Machine Link
Dec. 4, 2015 (Edition #1788, day 2034 g.e.):
LunarEklipse’s extensive vocabulary was put on display in the Enhancement Room today. The exhibition closes at midnight. Don’t miss out!
Wayback Machine Link
Dec. 16, 2015 (Edition #1800, day 2046 g.e.):
There is an opinion that LunarEklipse should get some credit for his content enhancements yesterday.
Wayback Machine Link
Mar. 23, 2016 (Edition #1899, day 2144 g.e.):
LunarEklipse says he loves the ER too much to go a single day without visiting. Sometimes he even visits twice a day.
Wayback Machine Link
Current IQ: 418 (As of 05/17/16)
Accepted Ideabox Samples:
• “It seems that the %monster% can cross ‘Kill %hero_name%’ off it’s bucket list.” (Upon death, submitted Apr. 11, 2015)
• “Everyone told me ‘%hero_name%, you don’t stand a chance out there!’ Turns out they were right”
(Upon death, submitted Apr. 13, 2015)
• “A bolt of lightning struck my backpack and set my alcohol reserves on fire! Why must you do this to me, %rg%?!”
(Punishment, submitted May 4, 2015)
• “%attacker% bet %defender% that they couldn’t hit themself. %defender% took the bet and broke their own nose.”
(Duel hit, submitted May 12, 2015)
• “%attacker_godname% conjured a single pint of beer and placed it on %defender%’s head, causing %attacker% to savagely beat them and steal it.”
(Duel punish, submitted May 26, 2015)
• “Calling the %monster% hotline for assistance…”
(Earthly news, submitted June 1, 2015)
• “Instead of kicking the bucket as %defender% had hoped, %attacker% picked it up and beat %defender% over the head with it.”
(Duel hit, submitted June 2, 2015)
• “It seems that I have run out of alcohol to dri- I mean use to clean my wounds. Better head back to town.”
(Returning to town, submitted July 13, 2015)
• “Who knew that the %artifact_base% was edible? I didn’t!”
(Losing artifact, submitted August 8, 2015)
• “This room has some nice potted plants and some lovely furniture… Sorry, did we forget to mention that there was a boss in here?”
(Boss encounter in dungeon, submitted January 30, 2016)
Triumphs in Godville
•08:55 AM I was sitting by the road counting my money when a lightning bolt struck the ground right next to me, melting my gold into a gold brick. (900th Golden Brick)
•10:36 AM Suddenly my bag of money burst open, spilling its contents on the ground and forming a solid golden brick. Shiny! (1,000th Golden Brick)
•11:28 AM My face must be glowing like this golden temple I just now finished for you, Almighty. I have to say, it does look great! (Temple Completion)
The heroes defeated the arrogant monster! NoobChamp became richer by 3130 coins. Admaz became richer by 3130 gold coins. Sir Sumgai Heromann added 9522 gold coins, tail of the Overtaker, a golden brick, a golden brick, a recipe for success, a liquid crystal ball, a green fairy in a bottle, a mnemonic device, an indifference engine, a genetic marker, a bicycle of life, an aqueduct tape and a pre-Godville relic to his bag. Devilya became richer by 3077 coins. “Fair” reward distribution?