

Minikhan 447

level 116

Do I Look 丯at?

Age 12 years 9 months
Personality neutral
Guild no guild
Monsters Killed about 607 thousand
Death Count 149
Wins / Losses 84 / 82
Temple Completed at 04/10/2013
Ark Completed at 11/06/2015 (373.7%)
Pairs Gathered at 09/23/2018
Words in Book 77.0%
Savings 23M, 61k (76.9%)
Pet Godvilla Sooba 17th level
Boss Frognarok with 91% of power


Weapon Pachelbel's cannon +126
Shield communication barrier +126
Head blindfold of accuracy +126
Body slate mail armour +126
Arms touchy feelers +127
Legs sneakers of suspicion +127
Talisman silver lining +126


  • teeth gnashing level 137
  • cash whistle level 113
  • opacity control level 112
  • inept singing level 109
  • fanned fingers level 107
  • bloody itch level 104
  • dragon pout level 104
  • win on points level 101
  • peek-a-boo level 100
  • palm of the panda level 84




  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Renegade
  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Hunter, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Fiend, 2nd rank
  • Freelancer, 2nd rank
  • Invincible, 2nd rank
  • Martyr, 2nd rank
  • Miner, 2nd rank
  • Moneybag, 2nd rank
  • Raider, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Scribbler, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Coach, 3rd rank
  • Dueler, 3rd rank
  • Scientist, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Minikhan -71st-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Do I Look 丯at?”, stands at the 115th position in the pantheon of destruction under the vigilant supervision of the god Minikhan. His dream is to master the “slap of the whale” skill and then offer lessons in exchange for gold bricks.

Minikhan – 88th-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Do I Look 丯at?”, stands at the 195th position in the pantheon of survival under the vigilant supervision of the god Minikhan. Distinctive features: a reckless disregard for danger, and an incredibly high pain threshold caused by repeated exposure to blunt objects.

丯 Blue Feather Forever! 丯 13:59: By the time I managed to collect two animals of every kind – the epic reward was already in my pocket! I already feel 12369 coins richer and closer to my next level!

21:26: It turned out that to revive the Dead Sea can be very profitable. I’ve got three golden bricks and concrete boots of agility for doing it!

05:15: A quest to collect two animals of every kind has brought a very nice reward of 17761 coins right into my pocket! Hope I won’t lose it on my way back…

18:51: Once you manage to change the world, then change it back – an epic reward is already in your pocket! I already feel being 12628 coins richer and much closer to my next level!

14:52: A quest to climb the social ladder to get god’s beard has brought a very nice reward of 22005 coins right into my pocket! Hope I won’t lose it on my way back…

14:10: Hooray! After all this long and agonizing traveling, the quest to climb the tallest beanstalk to have a bird’s eye view of Godville is finally over. Got a golden brick, a tin foil hat and 12029 coins as a reward!

22:48: A quest to pass the test of time has brought a very nice reward of 23317 gold coins right into my pocket! Hope I won’t lose it on my way back…

21:54: Hooray! After all this long and agonizing traveling, the quest to discover what the gods are doing when they aren’t paying attention to us is finally over. Got a golden brick, an experience cap and 11601 coins as a reward!

09:56: Hooray! After all this long and agonizing traveling, the quest to achieve an epic fail is finally over. Got a golden brick, dice of doom and 10731 gold coins as a reward!

15:52: Hooray! After all this long and agonizing traveling, the quest to climb the social ladder to get god’s beard is finally over. Got a golden brick, a smoke and mirrors and 11404 gold coins as a reward!

16:53: My quest to warm all of Godville’s benches has brought a very nice reward of 24058 coins right into my pocket! Hope I won’t lose it on my way back

7:37 PM Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by the great random have defeated the Pickpocketing Overtaker! Dinoking369 got 9286 gold coins, ear of the Overtaker, a golden brick, a golden brick, a golden brick, an operating model of a black hole, a gold coin counter, a diamond in the rough, a fifth element, a one-way yo-yo, a bottle in a bottle, a red herring, a pick up line, a chaos engine, an eerie silence generator, a hazardous minerals map and a damaged pride repair kit.

19:58: Hooray! After all this long and agonizing traveling, the quest to journey there and back again is finally over. Got a golden brick, a signed plaster cast and 11182 coins as a reward

15:25: My quest to change the world, then change it back has brought a very nice reward of 24834 gold coins right into my pocket! Hope I won’t lose it on my way back…!

23:01: Once you manage to pass the test of time – an epic reward is already in your pocket! I already feel 10049 gold coins richer and much closer to my next level!

19:42: Once you manage to travel east until ending up in the west – an epic reward is already in your pocket! I already feel 10028 coins richer and much closer to my next level!

04:12: My quest to climb every mountain and cross every stream has brought a very nice reward of 19778 gold coins right into my pocket! Hope I won’t lose it on my way back…

12:36: It turned out that to change the world, then change it back can be very profitable. I’ve got three golden bricks and greaves of grievance for doing it!

02:26: Once you manage to change the world, thn change it back – an epic reward is already in your pocket! I already feel 13517 coins richer and much closer to my next level!

My best skirmish reward: 14:28: When the trader saw my Odrade’s ear, he exclaimed, “That is… That is…” and handed me 14890 coins iwithout further delay.

10:27 PM My quest to succeed where all others have failed has brought a very nice reward of 17464 gold coins right into my pocket! Hope I won’t lose it on my way back…

Oh Sneezy my Firefox I will always remember you… (my first pet)

day 1066 11:46 AM Carefully placed the last brick, swept all the rooms, opened all doors, and cut the ribbon in a stately manner with my sword. I can’t believe it’s finally happened! After all these months of work, the temple in your name is finished, my Lord! I feel crazy with happiness.

first miracle! 02:57 PM A sudden tremor rocked the town as a new tavern rose from the ground. I quickly claimed ownership for “Blue Feather”. I have a feeling that we are going to get more members from Beerburgh!

my first savings! 07:16 AM Looked longingly at the lights of downtown, spat, turned around and marched to the bank to deposit 1705 coins for my retirement.

first donation! 11:05 PM I placed twenty bags of gold on the sacrificial altar and offered a quick prayer to the Almighty asking for a better life… It worked! I felt my experience bar increase in size.

best loot from a boss fight!07:37 PM Notes from the battlefield: The heroes brought together by the great random have defeated the Pickpocketinag Overtaker! Dinoking369 got 9286 gold coins, ear of the Overtaker, a golden brick, a golden brick, a golden brick, an operating model of a black hole, a gold coin counter, a diamond in the rough, a fifth element, a one-way yo-yo, a bottle in a bottle, a red herring, a pick up line, a chaos engine, an eerie silence generator, a hazardous minerals map and adamaged pride repair kit.

03:30 AM Notes from the dungeon: The adventurers loot the secret treasure. Minikhan puts 18818 coins, a log for the ark, a philosopher’s stone, an alternate reality cheque, a holy smoke generator, a circular void generator, a hurricane in a bottle, a brick of purest green, some biblical proportions, a ka-boombox, a bright future dimmer, a whine decanter and an out-of-time machine in his pockets. Thelosphoros, Religious Spanker and Priestess99 left unconscious. Those who missed the plunder are given 18999 gold coins in total as a consolation prize.

My 100000 kill!!! 27/11/13
02:47 PM While the Pinball Wizard said its last goodbyes to the land of the living, I said my first hello to is kitchen sink.

1000th quest!
Become one with the universe (epic)

merry christmas!
02:48 PM The trader claimed that my priceless gift had the power to make wishes come true, and offered me 12392 coins for it. I gleefully agreed to the deal. This is more than I could ever wish for!

I still love him 03:11 PM A fortune teller showed me a magic trick with a pen, where my signature mysteriously appeared on a deposit slip for 18097 gold coins.

good match09:54 AM Notes from the arena: JuluJulu is unconscious. Minikhan successfully fulfilled the goal of praising his deity! The winner receives a gold brick and 26268 gold coins.

03:06 PM Notes from the arena: Maxi Padrot begs for mercy. Minikhan definitely fulfilled his god’s expectations today! The winner got richer by 21368 coins and a golden brick.

he loves to pray doesnt he?05:17 PM Uh-oh. Fell asleep during my prayers. Wiped the drool from my face and hastily donated 11065 coins in the hopes that the Almighty was busy plaguing some distant land.

10:59 AM Spent many long hours praying. Endowed the temple with 12849 coins.

Day 2006! 01:42 PM A log! A thousandth log! I’m even ready for a flood now. Not that I’m asking for it, Omnipotent One.

08:30 AM The Khan Artist cried, “It was my last day before retirement…” and vanished. Received 35 gold coins and a box-shaped heart.

Day 3059 05:08 PM Gentle One, I just re-counted the pairs and I think the ark now has a thousand of them. We’re not going to cram another thousand in there, are we?

Day 3532 09:58 AM Toto was staring wide-eyed just above my head, so I looked up to see the words “LEVEL UP” in neon yellow floating above me. Looks like I’m level 100 now!