

Bulletforyourblood 674

level 153
trader level 32

✠ Deus Vult ✪GEN★★★★★

Age 13 years 8 months
Personality virtuous
Guild Godville’s Regiment
Monsters Killed 1.14 million
Death Count 168
Wins / Losses 197 / 101
Temple Completed at 04/08/2012
Ark Completed at 11/21/2014 (689.8%)
Pairs Gathered at 01/12/2018
Book Written at 09/19/2022
Souls Gathered 89.56%
Shop “Officer's Mess”
Pet Undercover elephant Nellie 48th level
Boss Dungeon Keeper with 302% of power


Weapon plot armor breaker +167
Shield cascading style shield +167
Head steam rollers +167
Body armorproof vest +168
Arms shoulders of fortune +167
Legs ridiculottes +168
Talisman fiber of being +167


  • steel finger level 191
  • mass effect level 179
  • epitaph writing level 167
  • somersault squatting level 166
  • iron vortex level 165
  • spoon-bending level 164
  • electro-broom level 157
  • shiny heels level 154
  • fake smile level 148
  • win on points level 143


  • ⓷ Get featured in the newspaper as a famous hero
  • ⓶ Visit the trader with two identical coupons
  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Fill out the newspaper bingo completely
  • ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Take personality to the extreme
  • ⓵ Dig up and defeat three bosses
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Careerist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Fiend
  • Honored Hunter
  • Honored Invincible
  • Honored Raider
  • Honored Saint
  • Honored Shipwright
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Coach, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 1st rank
  • Martyr, 1st rank
  • Moneybag, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Scribbler, 1st rank
  • Champion, 2nd rank
  • Scientist, 2nd rank
  • Soulcatcher, 2nd rank
  • Dueler, 3rd rank
  • Hotshot, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

The Life of Bulletforyourblood.

Born from the deepest part of hell, Bulletforyourblood grew up with some of the best God’s in Godville. Everybody they met taught them a few new tricks for their journey ahead.

Before meeting all these people, they was all alone in the Gamerz Elite guild. Then Bulletforyourbloods Almighty God, Sniper404, added the legendary God Godzillla, the 1st Temple owner of Godville. Godzillla informed Sniper404 of the great guild Rise of Evil which Sniper404 instructed Bulletforyourblood to join. Where he stayed until Hierarch Guild Rank and was voted President of the Guild, which they held until their departure later.

Bulletforyourblood after his time at Rise of Evil made their way onto allies, Harvest Moon. Bulletforyourblood ran around the guild hall helping many people and giving lots of useful advice on the stuff they had mastered. This was noticed by the Blood Council who, once they reached Chief Master, was invited to sit on the Blood Council. During the time as a member, they was responsible for creating some of the historic ideas in the guild. One of the idea’s, the No influence spars was where members could win charges for doing nothing but watching the heroes fight.

His master Sniper404 is also the title creator for “The Weekly Harvest” which is for the Harvest Moon weekly paper. Not only this but was the original creator and designer of the Harvest Moon website.

After reaching Hierarch in Harvest Moon, Sniper404 wanted to go for Careerist Rank 1. So we joined the “Blue Feather” guild, where we could also take advantage of Saint Rank 1 without affecting the Unity of Harvest Moon.

Today Bulletforyourblood is the founding father of Godville’s Regiment. Here we sit as the highest guild ranking officer. During the time in this guild, we will help members learn to play the game, but best of all HAVE FUN.

Content Below this point is outdated!
Pet History

Dust Bunny x2 / Biowolf x2 / Trojan Horse (Breeder badge awarded with Nibbler, Now moving to retirement and freedom) / Double Dragon (Final pet)

Notes to remember

Godville day 299 of Bulletforyourblood’s life:
He finally laid that final brick as a member of the Harvest Moon guild at the rank of Chief Master.

11:44: Dearest diary, today was the day! I carefully laid the last brick, swept all the rooms, opened all windows to let your glorious light shine in. I can’t believe it, your temple is finally finished, my Lord! I feel delirious with happiness.


08:59: Hmm… I didn’t know that my priceless gift would be worth 16054 gold coins. A decent price, I’d say.


3.97 gold per brick from my temple.

20:36: While I was away, a pile of donations appeared at the Great One’s temple. I counted them carefully, and there were 3975 coins. Maybe one day this thing will even pay off.


biggest epic win

08:21 AM My quest to revive the Dead Sea has brought a very nice reward of 24902 gold coins right into my pocket! Hope I won’t lose it on my way back…


21:00: I placed thirty bags of gold on the sacrificial altar and offered a quick prayer to the Almighty asking for a better life… It worked! I felt my experience bar greatly increase in size!

On an extra note of Bulletforyoublood’s life in Blue Feather while on Careerist Rank 1:

He had become a member of the Blue Feather guild where he was to finish Careerist Rank 1 with them. He wishes to thank the Officer Staff of Blue Feather for letting him spend 45 days teaching evil good deeds to his fellow guild mates.


04:33: Nibbler glowed and his eyes sparkled. It seems that my brute just achieved a new level. (Level 30)

also: Gratitude 99. Finally hit the top 100, but will keep submitting just to keep in the top 100.


11:27: I didn’t manage to heal up my pet’s wound in time. Well, Nibbler, your regenerating abilities will help you to recover, but I think level-ups and pantheons are not for you anymore. On the other hand, who needs these silly things anyway?


21:38: Judging by Nibbler’s face I think he’s tired with me. I guess it’s time to finally set him free. Farewell, Nibbler! I promise to find a new best friend in your memory! Pet released

2012-Oct-15 Maybe the Final stage before retirement

Today Sniper404 ordered Bulletforyourblood to create a new guild based on a Military theme. Bulletforyourblood was very resistant to this as he wanted to return back to Harvest Moon where he felt at home. This new stage will hopefully form a great resting place for military personnel and friends who wish to keep contact with Sniper after Harvest Moon. On a plus note, Sniper404 has not given up on Harvest Moon his other account is still a member and officer of the Guild.


16:10: Took 33 coins from the Deaf Leopard’s body. I wonder where it got all this gold. Mining? Monsters Killed 100000.

2013-01-19 23:35PM:

23:35: I suddenly realized that The Mighty Kirby is trying to summon me for an imaginary fight. Starting to materialize my kimono.

During this spar I asked King of Popstar if we could tie the fight, as this was SPAR 200. Only problem was the random was not on our side. The whole fight was backward and forward while trying to keep our health equal. Then when we hit the moment to punish, The Mighty Kirby looked on in horror.


00:09: Notes from the sparring fight: Bulletforyourblood ends the imaginary fight as the winner. The Mighty Kirby thanks his partner for the mental training.

King of Popstar hit a backfire making him miss. I would like to thank everybody who helped me with this, a few names who deserve high credit are Dogess and Raindropstop. These two put some of their unknown accounts my way to help me in the early stages. Many thanks.


Quest #1000 Find the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything (epic) (0%)


04:51: Increased the level of my “bad breath” skill after long and arduous training! (Level 50)


My second level 30 pet.

03:46 PM Either Shelby’s suddenly gotten bigger or I’m shrinking. Regardless, I’m going to have to start showing him a little more respect.