

Billy Turf 671

level 140
trader level 27

Have 丯un!

Age 11 years 9 months
Personality neutral
Guild Blue Feather
Monsters Killed about 834 thousand
Death Count 221
Wins / Losses 33 / 25
Temple Completed at 03/15/2014
Ark Completed at 04/15/2015 (713.7%)
Pairs Gathered at 06/10/2018
Book Written at 08/14/2022
Souls Gathered 84.38%
Shop “Bricks and Mortar”
Pet Ticking crocodile Koda 71st level
Boss Oxydjinn with 256% of power


Weapon cryptic crossbow +152
Shield wheel of time +151
Head big brother hood +154
Body mutant ninja girdle +153
Arms blood pressure cuffs +153
Legs hellevator shoes +152
Talisman firewallet +153


  • spontaneous combustion level 169
  • electrostatic discharge level 154
  • teeth gnashing level 151
  • fanned fingers level 150
  • pathological honesty level 148
  • sticky fingers level 141
  • cash whistle level 138
  • stifling embrace level 137
  • mating contact level 131
  • tin throat level 117


  • ⓷ Get featured in the newspaper as a famous hero
  • ⓶ Visit the trader with two identical coupons
  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Have bosses' horn and hoof in inventory simultaneously
  • ⓶ Fill out the newspaper bingo completely
  • ⓶ Find dungeon treasure after defeating exactly 5 bosses
  • ⓶ Complete five side jobs in a row
  • ⓶ Deliver both a wanted monster and a wanted artifact within one day
  • ⓵ Take personality to the extreme
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold

Show all 17




  • Honored Animalist
  • Honored Favorite
  • Honored Hunter
  • Honored Raider
  • Honored Shipwright
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Freelancer, 1st rank
  • Martyr, 1st rank
  • Moneybag, 1st rank
  • Savior, 1st rank
  • Scribbler, 1st rank
  • Hotshot, 2nd rank
  • Miner, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Scientist, 2nd rank
  • Seadog, 2nd rank
  • Soulcatcher, 2nd rank
  • Careerist, 3rd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Coach, 3rd rank
  • Renegade, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

Most urgent GV wish
More taverns of course.

Story of my life:
Born around April 13, 2013.

Soon after that joined Blue Feather, never to leave again.

Templed March 15, 2014

Pet medal: Oct 5, 2014.

Ark completed: April 15, 2015

Quest 1000 started on April 21, 2015

Made the Godville Times on Feb 12, 2017:
Billy Turf – 94th-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Have 丯un!”, stands at the 82nd position in the pantheon of arkeology under the vigilant supervision of the god The Almighty Frans. We’ve had many reports that a Gold Farmer has been afraid to make eye contact with him since their last encounter.

Made it again to the Godville Times on Nov 17, 2020:
Billy Turf — 116th-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Have 丯un!”, stands at the 103rd position in the pantheon of arkeology under the vigilant supervision of the god The Almighty Frans. Rumor has it that a local Bard of Prey has learned to show the hero proper respect for some reason.

Made it again to the Godville Times on Dec 28, 2021:
Billy Turf — 125th-level adventurer, member of the “Blue Feather” guild, with the motto “Have 丯un!”, stands at the 76th position in the pantheon of Arkeology under the vigilant supervision of the god The Almighty Frans. Secretly fears that the world is a stage, the men and women are merely players with entrances and exits, and that he has missed his cue.

Completely filled the bingo on July 1, 2023 (74 points)

Notorious achievenements

March 31, 2015:

Pantheon of storytelling:

1 The Almighty Frans 庙畜 Billy Turf Have 丯un! 11 4.45

Guess this won’t last long :-)

(actually it didn’t in the next update of the pantheon I dropped to #3 with 22 votes)

April, 2015

reaching #110 in the pantheon of Gratitude

My approved contributions to Godville:

03/24/15 09:16AM
An ending for a quest to “travel up a creek without a paddle” – “Tried to sit on the paddle, but fell off time after time, so I threw away the paddle and just waded upstream.”

03/24/15 09:11AM
An ending for a quest to “find the page not found” – “I looked at 404 places but this page is definitely gone. Created a fancy information page instead.”

03/04/15 10:34PM
An ending for a quest to “collect monster head trophies for the temple” – “I collected lots of trophies for my temple but this Godville Administrator head is way too ugly. It will scare away all parishioners. Better quickly bury it here.”

02/28/15 12:05PM
An ending for a quest to “get the keys to the city and lock it” – “Not only did I manage to get the keys of the city and lock it. I even managed to loose the keys and lock myself out. Hey! Let me get in! I want to go to the tavern!!!”

02/19/15 04:43PM
An ending for a quest to “become someone else’s imaginary friend” – “This imaginary friend thing does not work. She only buys imaginary beers for me. Imagine my disappointment when I wanted to take a sip.”

02/19/15 04:39PM
An ending for a quest to “break a sweat and then fix it” – “Broke sweat into the individual letters. I don’t remember the actual ordering, but steaw looks good. Yes! it was “steaw”. Definitely”

02/01/15 10:25PM
An ending for a quest to “save up enough to pay attention” – “Finally settled my bill with attention, but now respect wants to be paid too. What’s next? Visit?”

02/01/15 10:18PM
An ending for a quest to “fit a big ship into a tiny bottle” – “To start with I tried to put a small ship in a bottle. Lo and behold, due to the magnification of the bottle it looks quite bit!”

01/25/15 11:58AM
An ending for a quest to “strike an immovable object with an unstoppable force” – “Being unstoppable I tried to move an immovable object. Ended up with a terrible headache. Better not use my head next time.”

01/24/15 01:41PM
An ending for a quest to “negotiate a lower crossing fee with the troll under the bridge” – “Set the bridge on fire and told the troll that he should be quick if he wanted to make some money. Grudgedly he gave me a big discount. But how am I now going back?”

01/09/15 07:37PM
An ending for a quest to “complete a pub crawl of every tavern in godville” – “Not sure where I picked up this terrible headache. Guess I need to visit all taverns again to return it.”

01/08/15 09:32PM
An ending for a quest to “find out how a raven is like a writing desk” – “A raven is like a writing desk because there is a ‘b’ in both and an ‘n’ in neither.”

01/04/15 10:27AM
An ending for a quest to “find out what happens if you don’t mind the gap” – “Fell into a crack. Hurt both my hands. How I am supposed to hold a beer can now?”

12/31/14 12:23PM
An ending for a quest to “find a fog bank and make a deposit” – “Swerving trough the haze I found a murky bank. Left some fuzzy things there.”

12/31/14 09:47AM
An ending for a quest to “lead imaginary friends to an imaginary castle” – “I imagined this quest was completed. Imagine my surprise when it was.”

12/30/14 08:54AM
An ending for a quest to “pass a turing test” – “Took a Turing test and failed to be identified as human. Does that mean I passed? ”

12/26/14 12:18PM
An ending for a quest to “memorize pie to the nearest whole number” – “I definitely will remember this nice pie I found. Devoured it completely; so nada, nothing, zero left!”

12/22/14 07:52PM
An ending for a quest to “rid godville of all the unnecessary drama” – “Not able to end my quest, I decided to take my life. And suddenly when I passed away my quest was completed! Strange. Very strange”

12/22/14 07:48PM
An ending for a quest to “find the highway to hell” – “Figured out the way to the tavern is the highway to heaven so all roads leaving the tavern must be the highway to hell!”

06/05/14 11:12PM
%attacker% tries to hit %defender% on the head but %defender% quickly buries {his|her} head in the sand, pretending not to be there.

05/23/14 10:13PM
Yay! I’m a millionaire now! No more beer and chips. From now onwards only champagne and caviar is good enough for me!

04/09/14 11:06PM
“11:01 PM The fighters were nonplussed when the sky opened with a crack and a doctor dropped, unconscious, at Captain Murphy’s feet. Maybe Saint Alvis should consider providing him with a parachute next time?”," vote yes if you feel this is an incorrect message while in the dungeon (where I saw this, but there’s no sky there) "

02/09/14 10:00PM
Daily forecast: Extensive rain showers made the ground very muddy, making digging extremely hard and unlikely to be successful.

06/18/13 01:27PM
Duty calls. But my guild mates in the tavern call louder….

05/31/13 04:26PM
Good news! I’ve always been told to love my enemies. The doctor just told me beer is my biggest enemy.

05/31/13 08:28AM
Going to the tavern is NOT the answer. Going to the tavern is the question. YES is the answer.

05/24/13 09:08AM
snide remark,

05/20/13 10:40PM
Gave %monster% a kiss of death. It tasted awful.

05/18/13 05:11PM
I would love to brag about how creatively I killed the %monster% but unfortunately before passing away it tricked me into signing a Non Disclosure Agreement

05/13/13 08:05PM
Almighty since you created taverns, I assume you desire me frequenting them. Rest assured that I will perform this duty with total dedication and commitment!

05/03/13 01:19PM
Dying to make a living…

04/28/13 08:55PM
They say reality is an illusion caused by a lack of alcohol. Up to the pub to get rid of this illusion!