

Junkie Josef 35

level 77

Take your oxy, or suffer!

Age 2 years
Personality gentle
Guild Wandering Wondering Weirdos Wildlife and Preserve
Monsters Killed about 148 thousand
Death Count 37
Wins / Losses 12 / 8
Temple Completed at 04/01/2023
Ark Completed at 07/21/2024 (112.2%)
Twos of Every Kind 135m, 137f (13.5%)
Savings 4M, 632k (15.4%)
Pet Hyper lynx Link 17th level


Weapon bartenderizer +87
Shield language barrier +87
Head tunnel vision +87
Body drapes of wrath +87
Arms planetary rings +86
Legs smarty pants +87
Talisman golden calf +86


  • poisoned kiss level 55
  • lion belch level 46
  • instant hairloss level 46
  • lossy compression level 45
  • forced generosity level 44
  • save-load level 44
  • quantum fireball level 42
  • navel clamp level 40
  • pathological honesty level 38
  • iron vortex level 37


  • ⓶ Feed hungry tribbles with regular ones
  • ⓶ Complete and turn in two side jobs within 24 hours
  • ⓶ Fill out the newspaper bingo completely
  • ⓵ Dig up and defeat three bosses
  • ⓵ Die to a monster and lose 15k gold
  • ⓵ Get a new aura through the aura of curiosity




  • Animalist, 1st rank
  • Builder, 1st rank
  • Favorite, 1st rank
  • Shipwright, 1st rank
  • Careerist, 2nd rank
  • Freelancer, 2nd rank
  • Hunter, 2nd rank
  • Saint, 2nd rank
  • Champion, 3rd rank
  • Dueler, 3rd rank
  • Hotshot, 3rd rank
  • Martyr, 3rd rank
  • Moneybag, 3rd rank
  • Raider, 3rd rank
  • Renegade, 3rd rank
  • Savior, 3rd rank
  • Seadog, 3rd rank

Hero's Chronicles

To beginning heroes that haven’t figured how the game works;
Maybe you have to read the FAQ or re read it..

ADVICE: Hero name change only works ONCE⚠️! So don’t waste it (like me) until you have spent some time in the game and get how your hero “think”.

First: if you want to understand the game You have to read some wiki articles. It may take some time but you don’t have to read them all. Do it little by little. Search the articles about: godpower, accumulators, voice commands or godvoice, bosses, temple, sparring, arena, (now that you completed the temple, look also about the ark, and dungeons if you want to do then now ). And if you care about your pet read the pets article too.

Also i hope you know what’s the newspaper and use it every day. If not, use it from now on.
Second: always read the game news when it’s updated as always there are new things added to the game there.

If you go to spar, arena or dungeons whether it works out or not, you will use 50 gp.
Each accumulator only restores 50gp. Each encourage it punish waste 25 gp she muscles 50 gp no matter if they backfire or works… It’s important to know what his accumulators effects have so read that. You don’t have to memorize that but when you get in a fight with a boss click on its name and there will be a section of abilities. You can click on the ability that you don’t know and it will redirect you to the boss wiki articles abilities section. Look it for the ability the boss have she you’ll know what actions what will they do what you should do and what will backfire.

Each gidvoice spend 5 gp.

Some activatable items (the ones with @) will spend 0, 25 or 50 gp depending on the item. And when you click on them you will get a pop-up that says what the item does and what is the cost.

The cost of everything in game and actions consequences are not fixed always as the newspaper predictions can change that. You can vote for the next day predictions under the predictions.

About the accumulators: there are items that can give you more accumulators.
But the usual way to get acumulators (only the first 3 ones) is to let the godpower to 100% (won’t work with 99% gp) and then you can convert that gp into an accumulator. And youll be with 0%gp but one accumulator more. You can use that accumulator later and will give you 50gp she unless you have disactivated that setting it you don’t have enough gp to do any actions (no matter what) but have accumulator available, the acumulator will be used automatically to give you 50 gp she it will be used for that action and leave you with the remaining gp. For example if you have 16gp and 1 accumulator and make an action that cost 50gp you will waste the 16gp that you had, use automatically the accumulator and with 0 acumulator that would give you the normal 50 gp she use those ti comolete the remaining gp to do the 50gp action (50-16=34) so the accumulator will use those 34gp plus the 16gp that you already had to complete the gp needed for the 50 gp action. That will leave you with 34 gp from the gp that wasn’t wasted that came from the accumulator used.

The conversion of 100gp to an accumulator is only available for the first 3 accumulators to be saved and the option to do that only show up unless you have the 100 gp and less than 3 accumulators.
If you want more than 3 acumulators you have 2 options: but then with real money or, now that you have a temple the temple finished it will give you 1 to 3 accumulators when you go to Godville to your temple. It only happens once a day. There you will find that you can convert 10k 20k or 30k of gold into experience if you had that amount of gold before arriving in Godville and only happens around 1 time each 36 hours (read the wiki temple article to know more about that).
Everything depends on the newspaper forecast. For example some days the temple won’t convert money into gp or sometimes go to the arena will only cost 25 gp or artifacts will need only half the cost of normal activation gp or sometimes accumulators will give 75 go instead of 50 normal gp.
So be sure to change tactics according to the forecasts. Also there’s a bingo that can give you an interesting about of money, a crossword that will give you an aura (the duration of the sites is greater if you solve the crossword before every one else and with each person the duration of aura get smaller. Read the wiki aura to know what each one does! Or click in your current aura to get redirected to the one that you currently have to know if she change your tactics) a free charge of gp that increases slowly (the first that claims it get the gp accumulated) and usually you can get 25 gp if you wait enough dinner time you can’t wait up to 30 gp but I’ve seen up to 50 gp! (That’s luck, the hours you are looking for it and remember that anyways there furst to claim gets it).
Read the wiki article to know more about the newspaper advantages. There’s also a know your monster sometimes that gives you an identikit to go into a mini quest to find the boss if you manage to guess Wich monster is. That’s not always parent but it’s a special season when it happens depending on the pictures people have sent to the wiki.
Also there’s a feee coupon section for different free things.

Also a friend of mine told me that unless you have 5 to 7 acumulators (specially if you have less than 280 hp) the dungeons are hard to finish them alive. And don’t go to the basement if you aren’t a lot stronger! I hadn’t go to a dungeon as i hadn’t got that hp or that number of accumulators. You can go with friends to the dungeons if you activate the option at the same time, and the same happens with bosses when you use an artifact to find one at the same time or dig successfully or answer a signal to find one boss.

Also have in mind that punish/encourage/miracles and godvoice are different for different moments (ie is different the effect of a muscle in a normal monster fight, a boss, a dungeon, while traveling or in a town. So be mindful of what do you do and when).

Also have in mind that many heroes have chronicles with tips better than mine. … specially Gods that are high level and are in top pantheons si maybe read them!
others just have stories written by them that are also interesting if you like to read!
I’ve found an interesting glitch or something:
I was returning from a finished quest and used an item that teleport you too a random cutie and where transported to Herolympus. He healed and prayed and then left the city without selling for having 20/33 items. Then appeared magically at Godville and recieved his mission without selling or leaving the money at the temple and immediately left (no following the cycle) after just a second.
Then I used a godvoice to make him turn back and then he left the money at the altar and recurved the experience and everything as a normal return.

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10:48 a. m. My optometrist thinks my eyesight will probably improve. Unfortunately, my pessimetrist is sure it’ll get worse.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — TAKEN FROM HECATHENA: https://godvillegame.com/gods/Hecathena#chronicle

Lesser Known Pieces of Advice -

1. Send “return” or “go to town” commands to get godville temple bonuses before the 5th milestone to get both charges and logs. Also send this command when your hero/heroine is near a good savings town with a large quantity of gold for a better chance of saving most of that gold.

Note that the hero/heroine is less and less likely to listen to each successive “return” command per quest. The 1st command is obeyed easily, and it takes a few tries for the 2nd/3th command. It is near impossible for them to listen to the 4th command and onwards. Also note that the hero(ine) does not like to listen to any command when they complete 2/3rds of an epic quest.

Now, the most important part is that mini-quests(including KYM fights) reset the “return” counter, allowing you to send even more commands per quest.
I have heard(but not confirmed) that the “return” counter also resets every 24 hours.

2. If you already have an aura, and complete the newspaper crossword, instead of replacing your existing aura, it extends it. This does not work vice-versa, i.e., no other method of obtaining an aura(like Glowing Monsters, or activatable items @) extends your existing aura, but replaces it.

This trick can be used to extend good auras(like pacifism, saving or abstaining) when you have them.
Note that immortality is actually a bad aura since it doesn’t prevent dying(except from “die” command) but makes your hero(ine) less likely to use healing items on low health since they get overconfident.

You can also fill out the newspaper crossword when the newspaper is about to reset, and then immediately fill the next crossword to get a lengthy extension if the aura you got was a good aura.

TAKEN FROM HECATHENA: https://godvillegame.com/gods/Hecathena#chronicle
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-My first basement at the 2nd dungeon with 292hp and fight against a 3rd lvl Treasure Boss with more than 2k hp and survived! :D https://godvillegame.com/duels/log/nyyw4m7nm
-My 5th dungeon with 300hp (lvl 51). Basement against 3 abilities boss and 4 ab with 4200hp. Thanks to my great companions! https://godvillegame.com/duels/log/483ed0mg8

- best crossword : 5th place
- full bingo 13/05/2024 Score: 63… So far you’re top-2.
prize: 10:39 a. m. While I was searching for the chipped golden brick and elbow room generator, somebody dropped 7065 coins from a passing cloud. Bingo?

I appeared TWICE at the Ideabox section! Unfortunately it don’t count for the feat, just in the famous heroes section!
Second newspaper: 13/2/2024 ideabox again