Gaeren was born in a poor family of farmers, but the little girl, by some reason, was really stupid from the beggining, so her parents sell her as cattle. That’s why she thought she was a goat for a long time, and even now she may be seen eating grass like one of them.
When her owners passed away, Gaeren was all alone by herself. She had to steal to live, and usually spent her money in alcohol getting drunk. She was known in many villages as a drunk brawler who normally had problems with guards.
Her life changed when she got lost in the Forgotten Woods, and trying to find her way back found the mythical “Abyss Diary”, an arcane grimoire filled with blank pages that is said to be the incarnation of a forgotten god of yore. It was then when her, in her stupidity, awoke the mighty Venriik, the God of Beyond. Rigt after that, Gaeren fall unconscious just to awake in Godville. Venriik saw her, and decided to guide her path so she could become the greatest warrior of all times.
That’s how her adventure begun…