10th Anniversary!

Godville, May 10 2020

Hello, Godville’s gods and goddesses! Today is a really special day.

Ten years ago, on May 10, 2010, this world was created. (This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.)

So today we’re celebrating Godville’s 10th Anniversary. Tenth! Can you imagine it?

(We are not, frankly. It’s simply too much for our fragile minds to grasp.)

Nevertheless, here we are. Thanks to the gods and goddesses — it’s great to have you all here. Thanks to our heroes — they work tirelessly to amuse us. Thanks to all those who help — we couldn’t do it without you. Thanks to the server daemons — they (almost) never let us down. In other words, thanks to everything and everybody.

Let’s get to the celebration part, shall we? Firstly, congratulate your hero with a godvoice to fill your accumulator with a supersized pack of charges. That should get you in the right mood.

Then check the godpower capacitor in the newspaper — it went off the scale. For the next 5 days it will be bursting with energy and will even yield some extra — if a hero is not too busy. Meanwhile loads of specially bred anniversary monsters have been released into the fields, waiting to be defeated and sacrificed. Running out of godpower would be really hard for the next few days.

Finally, as a part of the celebration, we’re doing a Reddit AMA right now. Check it out if you’re burning with questions or just want to know more about Godville history.

Happy Anniversary!

Comments (127)
The Almighty Frans 6 May 11 2020 21:49

Congratulations Admin’s. Looking forward for the next 10 years!

El Izal May 11 2020 22:47


ThatKidInTheOwlHat 4 May 12 2020 01:39

Hey. Thanks you guys for making this game. The community that built up around this game is one of the nicer little niches of the internet. I hope your days goes well.

Doniray 5 May 12 2020 02:56

This has been my favorite game since I started around 5 years ago. keep up the AMAZING work guys

Belag 4 May 12 2020 20:37

Just: thank you ❤️

Tac17 May 13 2020 04:57

I’m not very active, but I try to be, tonight is my 900 day, I just want to say thank you, for making a game like this, it’s not pay to win in any way. You play to win, but this game, especially at first can be great, to stay alive you have to be on to check on your hero frequently, this is before learning what your actions can do (Encourage & Punish). Don’t lose that drive to check in on your hero, this game is one, I will never put down, but could’ve of benefited from a more consistent check in. I’ve had plenty of phones to prove it. You’re the best, keep it up.

Daesk8er 4 May 13 2020 19:12

Thank you. Also I love the firework graphics on the newspaper, maybe you can implement that feature into the game when our hero does something special.

Lurgius 4 May 13 2020 19:47

Happy Anniversary Godville and well done for being the longest-serving game on my phone. Keep up the good work! 🤗

Snoffter 4 May 13 2020 21:37

Happy Anniversary 🎉

Jshwa May 14 2020 00:05

Thank you!!! Happy anniversary!

Urban Zombie 6 May 14 2020 11:45

Thank you for all your hard work over the years and keep it up

Ell Diablo May 14 2020 19:42

Happy anniversary!!!

Goddess Greenwitch 4 May 16 2020 07:19

Thanks for creating and maintaining such a fantastic game! And thanks again for all of the fun, good, and giveaways over the past few days :)

The Great Lilith May 16 2020 17:59

happy anniversary! \(๑╹◡╹๑)ノ♬

Giano 4 May 17 2020 19:34

Happy anniversary, and thank you for all the fish… ahem, all the laughs!!!

Duosabotuer May 18 2020 08:55

What’s the godvoice tho

Dish04 May 19 2020 15:30

Awesome!!! Congratulations on this milestone!!🙌🙌🙌

High king of undies 4 May 21 2020 10:18

10 YEARS! WOOOOT. Here’s to another 10 great years!

Icthys May 21 2020 13:29


The Big Guy Upstairs May 24 2020 01:13


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