Godville 4 Android 4

Godville, Mar 23 2013

Greetings, humble Godville gods, long time no hear! We have quite a bunch of news which we are eager to share with you.

Long cold nights of the past winter were spent on improving the Godville app for Android. The original app was developed back in the day when most Android phones came with the 1.6-2.0 OS version on board and due to that, the app had some inherent design limitations, which recently started to show themselves on the newer phones and tablets. We tried to improve it, but after beating a dead horse for a while we just gave up and rewrote the whole thing from scratch, and boy, do we like the result! The new app is snappy, follows Android design guidelines and should work especially great on both Android 4.x phones and tablets. It also features new color themes (with auto-switching) and a brand new app icon. The new app looks a bit different (mostly due to adherence to Google design guidelines) and may feel a bit unusual at the beginning, so please give it a try for a few days before jumping to conclusions. Feel free to share your feedback in this forum topic and report bugs and problems via the Ideabox. (The app has been uploaded to Google Play Store and should be available for update over the next few hours. Godville App in Amazon AppStore will be updated in a few weeks).

Meanwhile underground bosses have become a source of endless fun, gold coins and lots of other goodies. However, digging for them could be a bit confusing, so now there is an alternative option – a new activatable artifact that sends the hero off to a search for an underground boss right here and right now. So if you always wanted to check these fights out, but were too busy to dig – here is your chance! Btw, these bosses have just gained a new nasty ability that allows them to strike twice per turn, which should make fights even more thrilling.

In other artifact-related news: teleporting items will now move the hero into a random town, even if this town is far away. This opens up some interesting possibilities, right? We also have plans for two nice new towns: Herowin and Lostway, but still have not completely decided where to put them. Any suggestions?

The latest Godville Health Assembly examined the most important health issues and came out with two resolutions:

  • due to a possible risk of vertebral injuries heroes are now prohibited from carrying more than 50 items at once;
  • it has been decided that having a permanent set of skills in the otherwise random world of Godville is a bit strange, so healers are now allowed to occasionally replace one skill to another one of the same level. So don’t get scared when you see the result of this “knowledge exchange” operation on your champion.

And last, but not least, the game yet again has been updated with lots of new content. Some really sweet phrases are already pouring into the heroes’ diaries, with even more to come over the next few days. Btw, we’ve heard that it would be great if we could tell what types of content are needed most, so we’ve just created a new forum topic just for that. Check it out, especially if you’re an active Ideabox submitter.

Comments (56)
Thorbjoern 6 Mar 24 2013 01:13

Lostway sounds perfect for a far away town, maybe near Unspecifiszan, after all, you must be really lost to get there…

Herowin sound skinda like a casino town to me. Lots of spent money, high prices when buying, low when selling, random chances very high to looese or win big amounts theough random town events maybe?

Thorbjoern 6 Mar 24 2013 01:13

Lostway sounds perfect for a far away town, maybe near Unspecifiszan, after all, you must be really lost to get there…

Herowin sound skinda like a casino town to me. Lots of spent money, high prices when buying, low when selling, random chances very high to looese or win big amounts theough random town events maybe?

Fake Pigeon Mar 24 2013 02:16

I hate the new update! Blah!

Astris 6 Mar 24 2013 02:56

Herowine, Should Be APortal To POkeMon.gl

Jessterbal 4 Mar 24 2013 02:59

Just want to make sure, skill changes will show up in the eye correct?

Camelon Mar 24 2013 04:30

I love the update! It was desperately needed.

Thirdeye0pen Mar 24 2013 04:30

I basically have the same concerns as Belteshazzar. How does the skill-swapping work, what if we are content with our skills, and so on..? A lil more clarification would be great.

Blue Panda Mar 24 2013 11:17

I love and agree with both of Thorbjoern’s suggestions for town placement and also the casino ideas. Thorbjoern, you never cease to amaze me with your cleverness!

I’m a little concerned about the skill changes too. “Steel finger” has sentimental value…

Smiley77060 4 Mar 24 2013 16:59

Digging the new look so far. Thumbs up

FlareHeart Mar 24 2013 17:26

Love the new look and layout. Thanks!

Marvelous1 4 Mar 24 2013 18:43

I like the new look, but my remote is not working right since the upgrade.

OhMG 6 Mar 24 2013 21:38

I also feel… unsure… about skill swapping. (A) I’m pretty happy with my hero’s current skill-set, and (B) having skills swap around makes it harder to track/measure progress.

Chronos X 6 Mar 25 2013 03:50

Getting used to the new look and feel, but I think this was a well needed upgrade. I love the fact that in landscape mode I can see the remote/command screen on the right and the diary on the left. Keep up the good work devs!

Rabonicus Mar 25 2013 04:03

Ideabox.. Ha. Instead of the level system, players should take an IQ test to vote instead. Crap ideas usually go through these days. Nice update.

Belteshazzar 6 Mar 25 2013 07:54

On my concern with skill swapping…

Is it possible these could be done through quests instead?

Similar to guild changing quests? They randomly show up as a quest, and we can choose to cancel or not. This seems a better idea, as opposed to arbitrarily losing skills some of us have had for the better part of 2 years! The randomness is still there, as the quest shows up periodically, the skill being lost/gained is decided by the Random, and whether you log on in time to catch it to cancel. I love the concept, but I truly think there’s got to be a better way of swapping skills.

Arthmire Mar 25 2013 10:37

The new version of the Android app is amazing. The difference is very noticeable. Great job, devs! Now I can punish my hero three times faster!

Christian the Divine Mar 25 2013 14:26

great update so far, thanks for putting in thework! Few bugs sofar: bold items don’t appear bold. the fight ticker isn’taround anymore, and as I’m trying to leave this feedback, forsome reason it’s notalways allowing me a spacebetween words (I’m using the Swype keyboard).

But stillgreatwork!

El Chapo Mar 25 2013 17:12

Love the new look but somehow lost my old character which bums me out

Jordayne Mar 26 2013 20:55

Herowin has been added to the game. My hero arrived there a couple minutes ago. No clue what milestone it’s on though.

Jordayne Mar 26 2013 21:11

It’s around milestone 60.

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